Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tip#01 for Sustaining Growth in Organisation. (MN2M)

(MN2M = My Notes To Myself)

Organisatons must inculcate the culture of  LEARNING and SHARING  information among all its employees to sustain growth and success in today's dynamic market.

This cannot be achieved just by issuing a circular or mentioning it in a meeting. It has to be preached and practiced continually by every Reporting Authority (from the Chairman to the lowest Supervisor).

It has to be a top-down approach. When the employees start sharing information/ideas/experiences/opinions with their superiors and peers, one can say that the 'learning and sharing culture' is taking shape. And, the management must continually ensure to sustain that culture.

Jaikishan (19th May 2011)

Books 'To Read/Listen" Henceforth. Towards GP30+

Updated on 20th August 2023 :  List for my consumption. Biographies (instead of Autobiographies) IT Books on latest trends that would be use...